High throughput cell wash for cell therapy - an important milestone towards new OEM partnerships

As previously communicated, AcouSort has developed a new test system for automated cell handling within cell therapy. Recently, AcouSort published an application note with proof-of-concept data demonstrating that the system performance meets important requirements for cell therapy applications. The new data show up-concentration and washing of target cells at ten times higher flow rates in a single chip than what has been possible with AcouSort's prior solutions. In the test system it was also demonstrated that throughput could be further increased by parallelizing separation chips.

AcouSort's partnering company within cell therapy manufacturing is currently evaluating the test system and in parallel AcouSort will continue its internal application development to produce additional data further validating the performance. AcouSort also sees opportunities to transfer this technological advancement of significantly increased throughput to more areas by using the system for other separation-based OEM applications.

"The improved performance is a significant milestone in our strategic efforts to commercially target the cell therapy sector. We now have solid proof that our solution is relevant for this market, and that we are moving towards the development of a new OEM product," says Jessica Congiu, Commercial Product Manager at AcouSort.

Datum 2023-10-25, kl 11:31
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