Continuously growing interest for AcouSort's research systems

The AcouWash system delivered to the University of Porto will be used in a research project lead by Dr Raphaël Candas. The project aims to develop new methods to isolate, detect and characterize cancer cells in urine samples, which in turn may be an important step towards developing novel diagnostic tools. The AcouWash will contribute to the project by enabling a centrifuge-free separation and up-concentration of the cells.


"The possibility to collaborate with research groups provides AcouSort with great opportunities to broaden the scope of our technology and is thereby an important part of AcouSort's continued development. By providing our customers within academia and industry benchtop research systems we are able to establish fruitful collaborations to explore new possibilities," says Agnes Michanek, AcouSort's Commercial Director.

Datum 2023-09-19, kl 09:57
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