AcouSort to showcase its unique AcouTrap technology at two EV conferences

During the first half of October, AcouSort will participate in two conferences: the DSEV conference in Denmark and the MOVE conference in Serbia. Both conferences focus on the very exciting developments in research in extracellular vesicles (EV).

First up was the DSEV conference organized by the Danish Society for Extracellular Vesicles. The conference gathers the Danish research community working with EVs and is a great way for AcouSort to meet and socialize with the researchers. This year, the AcouSort team will exhibit the AcouTrap 3 system and present its great potential in EV isolation.

On October 8-11, AcouSort is attending the MOVE Conference in Belgrade, Serbia, a conference that gathers researchers from all across Europe. The MOVE conference is jointly organized by all the European extracellular vesicle societies, a consortium that has joined forces to foster “MObility for VEsicle research in Europe” (MOVE). The overarching objective is to encourage communication between the societies at all levels of membership. By using the advantage of geographical proximity, MOVE aims to promote EV research and expertise across Europe and across different biological/biomedical disciplines.

“The two conferences provide a great opportunity for us to expand our network within the EV community as well as showcasing our unique AcouTrap technology,” says Agnes Michanek, Commercial Director at AcouSort.

Datum 2024-10-09, kl 10:00
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