AcouSort to present its unique acoustofluidics technology at the international conference µTAS 2023

The µTAS 2023 conference is expected to attract some 1,000 scientists and industry professionals and  focuses on microfluidics/lab-on-a-chip systems for life science applications. AcouSort’s presence at the conference will be dedicated to displaying its technology for the cell therapy market, an area which is of rapidly increasing interest for the Company. AcouSort’s technology will be presented in the exhibition area as well as in two separate poster presentations:

  • One poster is presented by Senior Scientist Mikael Evander and addresses the use of AcouTrap technology to isolate and wash stem cells before they are used in therapy
  • The other poster is presented by AcouSort’s NIH customer Dr Stephen Adler and addresses the use of the AcouWash technology for centrifuge-free radiolabeling of immune cells in cancer treatment

Both poster presentations are related to the use of AcouSort’s technology in different cell therapy applications. In conjunction with the conference, AcouSort will also release a new application note on the new high-throughput acoustic separation solution for automated processing in cell therapy manufacturing. 

“µTAS 2023 is a perfect conference for us to present our unique technology. Over the past year or so, we have made a significant number of inroads into the cell therapy space. Our ambition now is to establish as many research collaborations as possible to pave the way for future OEM partnerships,” says Jessica Congiu, Commercial Product Manager at AcouSort.

Datum 2023-09-29, kl 09:41
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