AcouSort and Gensensor enter collaboration aiming at improving bioreactor culturing

AcouSort AB (“AcouSort”) and GenSensor SAS (“GenSensor”) today announce that the two companies have signed a Letter of Intent to integrate AcouSort’s acoustofluidics technology with GenSensor’s biology first Process Analytical Technology to accelerate bioprocess design and improve monitoring systems for bioreactor culturing.

AcouSort and GenSensor share a common interest in providing the healthcare market with innovative solutions that improve production efficiency and the development of advanced therapeutics leading to better patient outcomes upon treatment.

The GenSensor technology performs automated, self-adapting cell sampling from various kinds of bioreactors. The solution also isolates and identifies biomarkers as well as perform bioinformatics analyses to document and optimize all kinds of bioprocesses from R&D and scale-up to routine production in order to increase bioproduction excellence and yield.

AcouSort’s AcouTrap technology enables gentle and automated isolation and purification of cells from various samples starting materials or cultures.

By combining the two companies’ technologies, AcouSort and GenSensor aim to automate cell capture and clean-up prior to molecular analysis. Initially, the collaboration will be focused on integration of AcouTrap units with GenSensor’s device as well as development of a new generation of devices dedicated to bioprocess monitoring and additional data collection regarding the isolated samples. In a future commercial phase, AcouSort will provide its AcouTrap units to GenSensor as OEM components.

“I am very pleased that we have entered into this collaboration with GenSensor. Our two companies share the same aspiration to push important technologies forward in order to provide the healthcare market with solutions that promote better patient outcomes on a large scale. And the collaboration fits right into our OEM commercialization strategy,” says Torsten Freltoft, CEO at AcouSort.

“Biotech and pharma bring innovative drugs on the market. As a mission-driven company, we drive innovation in the field of upstream processing, a major axe of improvement for our industry. Integrating best in class technology like AcouTrap into our biology first Process Analytical Technology will have a significant impact for bioproduction efficiency,” says Charles Hébert, CEO at GenSensor.

For more information about GenSenor, please contact:

GenSensor was founded with a vision to become a game changer in the field of biology first Process Analytical Technology. The company develops robotic devices and AI algorithms to monitor, characterize and optimize bioproduction of ATMP and vaccines.

Datum 2024-04-29, kl 14:30
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