Acarix receives additional multi unit order from In-Home Concierge Practice

Acarix, a leader in rapid AI and acoustics-based cardiac diagnostics, is pleased to announce an additional multi order of the CADScor System to be utilized as a diagnostic aid for symptomatic patients suspected of coronary artery disease (CAD) by Saving Grace Concierge in the Oklahoma City and Tulsa metro areas.

 Saving Grace offers unique pediatric and adult urgent and primary care services in the privacy of a patient's home. Providers can assess, diagnose, and treat patients, offering comprehensive and compassionate healthcare with the goal of improving quality of life and promoting overall wellness. 

 "We are pleased to see such a quick repurchase of both CADScor System and patches into this novel in-home healthcare model," said Aamir Mahmood, President & CEO of Acarix.

Datum 2024-07-08, kl 09:14
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