Absolent Air Care Group publishes Annual Report for 2023


Absolent Air Care Group today publishes the Annual Report for 2023. The Annual Report is attached to this press release and available on the Group's website (https://www.absolentgroup.com/en/investors/financial-reports/). The printed version of the Annual Report is distributed by mail to those who have requested this information. The printed version can be ordered by email, or phone through the contact information below.


Axel Berntsson, CEO and President

Karin Brossing Lundqvist, CFO

Phone: +46 (0)510 48 40 00

Email: ir@absolentgroup.com

Absolent Air Care Group AB is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

Certified Adviser for Absolent Air Care Group AB is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ).

Datum 2024-04-23, kl 11:30
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