Adjustment of the Nomination Committee’s proposal ahead of the 2024 Annual General Meeting regarding board member Marianne Kirkegaard

Marianne Kirkegaard has announced that she declines re-election to the board at AAK’s Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2024, due to other commitments. The Nomination Committee of AAK AB (publ) has previously been notified of this, but due to an oversight it was not considered in the Nomination Committee’s proposal for the board as presented in the notice of AAK´s 2024 Annual General Meeting.
The Nomination Committee has now revised its proposal for election of the board ahead of the 2024 Annual General Meeting and recommends re-election of all board members except Marianne Kirkegaard. The proposed number of board members is thus five, without alternates. The proposal remains otherwise unchanged.

Datum 2024-05-03, kl 09:45
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