The shareholders of 2cureX AB (publ) (“2cureX”), org. no. 559128-0077, are hereby inviting to an extraordinary general meeting. The extraordinary general meeting will be held at 10:00 (CEST) on Friday 12 July 2024 at the premises of PwC, located at Anna Lindhs Plats 4 in Malmö.
Notification of participation etc.
Shareholders who wish to attend the extraordinary general meeting must:
- be recorded as shareholders in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Thursday 4st of July 2024, and;
- no later than Monday 8st of July 2024 have given written notice of their participation by mail to 2cureX AB, c/o Talenom Consulting AB, Lilla Strandgatan, 261 22 Landskrona. Notice can also be done by email to ir@2curex.com. The notification should state name, personal identification number or registration number, address, daytime phone number and when applicable information regarding any representative, proxy and or at most two assistants. If applicable, the notification must include authorization documents such as a certificate of registration or equivalent documents.
Nominee-registered shares
A shareholder who has its shares registered with a nominee must, to be entitled to participate in the extraordinary general meeting, have the shares registered in its own name through the nominee, so that the shareholder is registered in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB on the record date of Thursday 4st of July 2024. Such registration may be temporary (so-called voting rights registration). Shareholders who wish to register the shares in their own name must, in accordance with the respective nominee's routines, request that the nominee make such voting rights registration. Registration of voting rights that have been requested by shareholders at such a time that the registration has been made by the relevant nominee no later than Monday 8st of July 2024 will be taken into account in the production of the share register.
Shareholders represented by proxy shall issue a written and dated power of attorney signed by the shareholder. A power of attorney issued by a legal entity shall have a registration certificate attached, or if such certificate does not exist, equivalent documents. The original power of attorney and any registration certificate should, in advance of the extraordinary general meeting, be sent to the company at the address above.
Proposed agenda
- Appointment of a Chairman of the extraordinary general meeting
- Preparation and approval of the voting register
- Approval of the agenda
- Appointment of one (1) or two (2) persons to verify the minutes of the meeting
- Determination of whether the extraordinary general meeting was duly convened
- Sale of 2cureX A/S.
- Closure of the extraordinary general meeting
Sale of 2cureX A/S (item 6)
Major shareholders proposes that the extraordinary general meeting of 2cureX approves the sale of 100 percent of the shares in the Danish subsidiary 2cureX AS, reg.no 29418888, (the "Subsidiary") to Precision ApS. Precision ApS is controlled by 2cureX's board members Ole Thastrup and Grith Hagel, together with a consortium comprising of current shareholders of 2cureX and Kindled Group, (http://www.kinled.com), a Hong-Kong-based private investment company with a 30-year investment track record in life sciences. The sale of the Subsidiary is part of larger transaction where the stock listed holding company 2cureX will execute a directed issue of 7.500.000 shares to a consortium led by Kinled Group . In addition, 2cureX has secured a loan of EUR 3 million from the consortium to further develop 2cureX within the field of Functional Precision Oncology, implementing a revised business and commercial strategy. With a strong financial basis 2cureX will move forward as an operational company with focus on commercialising Functional Precision Oncology technologies like IndiTreat. Upon approval of the sale of the Subsidiary, the Subsidiary will concentrate on technology development that will allow placement of IndiTreat testing facilities at hospitals.
2cureX and the Subsidiary intend to establish a close collaboration and act in synergy to make drug sensitivity testing part of daily practise at oncology hospitals.
The transaction was described in a public press release on 17 June 2024. The sales price for all 500.000 shares in the Subsidiary was set as the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) 10 trading days before 17 June 2024 plus a premium of 10%, amounting to 0.32 SEK per 2cureX share.
The Board of Directors intends to propose to distribute proceeds from the sale of the Subsidiary proportionally to all 2cureX AB shareholders in accordance with the Companies Act (Aktiebolagslagen, ABL), with the exact amounts to be determined.
In relation to the proposed sale of the Subsidiary, the Board of Directors has asked EY to provide an independent fairness opinion. EY will document their work in a brief written confidential report to the Board of Directors in English, summarizing the relevant background, methodologies applied, assumptions and findings including a conclusion as to whether EY views the offer as fair from a shareholder perspective. The confidential valuation report is meant for internal use by the Board of Directors of 2cureX AB only and will not be made available to any third party without the prior written consent of EY. In addition, EY will issue a short statement on the fairness of the offer, which 2cureX will disclose to the shareholders (1-2 pages).
The notice, the EY statement and proxy forms will be made available at the premises of the company, 2cureX, Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark and on the company’s website (www.2curex.com) and will be sent to the shareholders who request it and state their postal address.
Shareholders are informed of their right under Chapter 7, Section 32 of the Swedish Companies Act to request information from the Board of directors and the CEO.
Malmö in June 2024
2cureX AB (publ)
The Board of Directors
N.B. This English text is an unofficial translation of the Swedish original of the notice to attend the extraordinary general meeting in 2cureX AB, and in case of any discrepancies between the Swedish text and the English translation, the Swedish text shall prevail.
Datum | 2024-06-26, kl 16:15 |
Källa | MFN |