2cureX announces changes to the management


2cureX, a company pioneering the use of 3D tumoroids for drug sensitivity prediction in patients with cancer, announces changes to management and a narrowing of the company’s focus to ZENITH and the ambition of making IndiTreat® testing available at hospitals worldwide.

The Board of Directors of 2cureX announces changes to the management:

  • Effective 29 December 2023, CEO Fernando Andreu is leaving the company.
  • Effective 1 January 2024, CSO Ole Thastrup will be leaving his CSO position to become Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The change of Ole Thastrup’s affiliation will ensure that 2cureX is following Good Corporate Governance.

The current CFO Kenneth G. Johansen is appointed acting CEO as of 29 December 2023.

The Board of Directors will in the beginning of 2024 initiate a recruitment process of a new Executive Management Team to execute 2cureX’s ambitious ZENITH plan on making IndiTreat® testing available at hospitals worldwide.

The full focus on ZENITH has necessitated downsizing and focus of the organization, a change that has extended the runway to the end of 2024.

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tonni Bülow-Nielsen says “On 14 November 2023 I was appointed Chairman Board and for the last six weeks the Board has been evaluating the company’s strategic focus. During this period, we concluded that a corporate redirection was needed to support a successful rollout of the Zenith plan and also to ensure alignment to Good Corporate Governance practices.

2cureX has a strong technical and clinical foundation to become a global leader in providing Drug Sensitivity guidance for treatment of cancer patients, and that opens for an attractive offering to investors and partners and by downsizing the organization we have gained a runway until the end of 2024 and the time to make the right decisions”.

2cureX will release its Q4 2023 report on 22. February 2024 and an update strategy plan will be presented in Q1 2024.

Datum 2023-12-29, kl 14:30
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