CEO Eirik Aalvik Stranden acquires 240,000 shares in 24SevenOffice Group AB


Eirik Stranden expressed his enthusiasm about the investment, stating, "I'm incredibly excited to have the opportunity to exercise the stock options in 24SevenOffice now, particularly as I believe the macro environment and market for SaaS companies is recuperating with an expected rapid industry rebound on the horizon. I'm confident that 24SevenOffice, given our strategic positioning, is in a pole position to lead this market development ahead and is well-positioned for continued success.” 

“We have a dedicated team, innovative products, and a clear vision to capture the growing demand for cloud-based business management solutions. This investment underscores my strong belief in the company and my commitment to delivering long-term value for our shareholders.”

With this acquisition, Eirik Stranden now holds a total of 240,000 shares in 24SevenOffice Group AB, further aligning his interests with those of the company's shareholders. The purchase of these shares represents 0.35% of the total outstanding shares of the company.

Stranden has acquired the shares from R-Venture AS. R-Venture will have an option to subscribe for 240,000 shares in 24SevenOffice Group AB until 31.12.2026 as part of the transaction and has thus acted as an intermediary for 24SevenOffice Group in setting up an incentive package for the CEO and shareholders in the company.

"We are delighted to announce the recent share acquisition by our CEO, Eirik Stranden," said Staale Risa, Deputy Chairman in 24SevenOffice Group AB. "This investment serves as a strong vote of confidence in our company's vision, strategic direction, and growth prospects. It also aligns the CEO's personal interests with those of our shareholders."

Datum 2023-07-04, kl 19:00
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